I’m Adeena Pelberg and I founded Holistic Educational Solutions because my three decades of experience as an educator has shown me that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for anyone or any situation.
At the start of my career in 1989, I found myself frustrated that I could not reach every child in my first-grade classroom. Teaching wasn’t satisfying if I couldn’t ensure that learning was happening for everyone. I realized that I needed to deeply understand the brain’s role in learning so I could reach even the neediest of children.
Since the 90’s, I’ve been on a mission to understand the neurology of learning and apply cutting-edge science to my educational practice. What I have learned is that the brain and body cannot be separated; they operate together as an exquisite system.
Learning is a naturally flowing developmental process. For optimum learning to occur, the body must first function efficiently, so the brain recognizes that it is in a ‘safe state’. Then resourceful, productive learning can take place.
If learning is a struggle in any area, it is an indication that the body is not integrated – it is not working together with the brain as a relaxed, coherent system.

We maximize possibilities for optimizing function and performance in all areas of life regardless of age, gender, and diagnosis:
While it is human nature to mask symptoms of struggle with compensatory strategies, at Holistic Educational Solutions, we customize solutions for individuals by addressing the root causes of problems, eliminating the need for compensations.
Our goal is to re-educate the brain, addressing deficits so that thinking and learning become more efficient and symptoms resolve!
Would you or a loved one benefit from our services? Answer the questions below to find out!
If you answered yes to any of the above, you may have an underlying issue that we can help you with!
Click here to contact us at Holistic Educational Solutions.
Our mission is to target and resolve the underlying conditions that contribute to the presenting challenges by approaching each individual holistically. We consider the entire framework of a person’s life. We partner closely with clients and their families via in-person clinical sessions, customized home programs, and consultations to evaluate progress.
We know the process of helping yourself or a loved one with neurodevelopmental delays or impairments is a journey.
Each step along the way serves its purpose.
We’d love to help you learn how to harness the wisdom of the human body and unleash its innate capacity to heal.